As an english speaking ministry in Germany, we not only have the opportunity to minister to the neigboring U.S. Military community, but also to many different cultures from around the world. Whether they are Germans, foreign students, refugees, industry professionals on an extended work visa, or those who simply prefer the Engish language, many of these families are constantly on the move with young children giving us a very unique mission field with extraordinary potential.
Some of these families would not consider the Gospel message while living back in their home environment, but the gospel seems to stand out just a little bit more in an unfamiliar territory. We are simply privileged and honored to reach these diverse families with the Gospel by demonstrating the wonderful love of Jesus Christ and this is where Lisa comes in!
She is a missionary sent from Mountain View Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, through World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions. God has called her to reach and work with the families of Hohenfels Baptist Church. Lisa is a pastor's daughter with a heart for children. She is doctrinally sound and is committed to the local church. She also has a bachelor's degree in education and extensive training in child development. She has been here at Hohenfels Baptist Church since 2004.
Lisa loves children and she coordinates all of our children’s ministries, including our Sunday services, Vacation Bible School, Christmas programs, elementary educational assistance, and is a vital asset in many other ministries of the church. Simply put, she is a blessing and we are glad God put a burden in her heart for this ministry! The Bible states that children are a heritage of the Lord; and they are indeed our future church leaders! So, please pray for Lisa as she serves the Lord with us, and even consider supporting her on monthly basis through her mission board.
10:00 | Bible Study
10:45 | Fellowship
11:00 | Main Service
18:00 | Church Supper (free to all)
18:30 | Bible Study (Adult & Children)