Pastor was born and raised in Virginia and accepted Christ as his Savior as a teenager. In 1991, he enlisted in the U.S. Army as an infantryman at the age of 19 and his first duty station after basic training was in Berlin, Germany. By God's calling, Bill became the pastor of Hohenfels Baptist Church on January 7, 2018.
Kerstin (Kiki) was born and raised in West Berlin without a clear Gospel witness. Through a friend, she was introduced to Bill and they were married in 1994. God began to do a work in her heart and she accepted Christ as her Savior in 2001. The authenticity of her salvation was immediately evident in her changed life and it would be through her answered prayers that they as a family would become more faithful.
God has now brought them back to Germany as missionaries to minister to the Hohenfels Community. They are the parents of three adult children whom they love very much: Billy, Kayleigh, and Johnny, and now even grandparents! Visiting each of them is one of the highlights of their year! They are sent out of Gateway Baptist Church in Clarksville, TN and through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) in Houston Texas. Bill and Kiki can be reached through the contact form below and they can be supported personally through CMC by check or through online giving at this link. Serving the Lord at Hohenfels Baptist Church is a great honor for the Ensleys and they are excited to see what God has prepared for this ministry! Please join them in prayer, and if you are in the area, come worship with us!